Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On Slave Training

Can you guess who is on the move?! Katelyn will scoot just about anywhere! Here are her six month stats: 12 pounds 13 ounces (3%) and she is 25" long (22%). She is TINY! But she still is learning new things. She can now roll over from her back to her stomach (to her chagrin...she HATES being on her stomach) but she is way too strong for her own good. She still scoots all over the place and I LOVE this picture of her under the bed, this was taken as I was doing some indexing for Family Search (it is my new hobby..I am addicted)!
As for the other beasts (I say this because as I am writing this blog both of them are crying because one stole a hat and the other one bit her sister's stealing hand...but I am determined to write this blog!!!!) they just keep getting bigger. Tori is loving Primary (especially all of the singing!) and Brooke finally will go into Nursery voluntarily! They love to wear my glasses (if you look closely you will see that Brooke is hanging out on the toilet with them on!) and they love to help me in the kitchen (Tori likes to hang out pant-less a lot lately hence the naked legs) putting away dishes and making cookies and dinner. Sure it takes me 5 times longer to do, but it is so much fun with them. What they don't know is that I am training them as my slaves and soon they will be doing this all on their own while I sit, read and eat bon-bons! Ha ha ha (that was an evil maniacal laugh!).

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February Fotos

We went to a ward game night at the beginning of February and I made some sprinkle cupcakes for a cake walk. We decided to eat the left overs for breakfast. I snapped these stinking cute pics (please note that Brooke is looking at the camera and has her hand around Jason. Also note that Tori has her hair in pig tails!)
The Dingers came to visit twice this month! I remembered to take pictures only the second time! Auntie Marie came too! We needed to get some pictures with Katelyn and her grandparents.

When there are free babysitters there are crazy date nights! Holla! Jason and I went to a fabulous Valentine party with a thrift store flair. All participants were to come dressed in clothes that we bought from a thrift store with a Valentine/Couple Theme. Jason and I went for the Valentine theme. We found most of our outfits at DI and I found my fabulous Valentine PJ pants at Goodwill. Jason found my amazing sweater in the racks (please note that there are feathers around the neck and sleeves!) I also couldn't pass up these hot pink stilettos! H.O.T.! Our professional pictures will follow soon...maybe with a blog devoted just to the party!
TORI: still loves to pose for the camera. I love the hot chocolate mustache. I pulled my hot pink shoes out of my shopping bag and they were immediately snatched by little hands. They walked around the whole house in them.The 4 bottom shots are Tori in a princess photo shoot. 1 is a over the shoulder look, 2 is the classic fist under the chin, 3 is the up doo, and 4 is the hands under the chin look. My favorite is the sitting princess that I took yesterday...she is getting so BIG!

BROOKE: is our comedian and I feel lucky if I get a shot of her! She was sporting the bunny ears on Monday and I just had to take a few pictures. She is constantly getting into things...she is a very curious girl. She also LOVES to wear my shoes around the house. She just keeps getting more beautiful.

KATELYN: aka Scooter (we are pretty sure that this is going to be her nickname) is growing like a weed. Her new trick is too scoot (hence the nickname) all over the house on her back in the back bend push leg form! It is pretty funny. she is our first to do this and it makes her quite mobile. One day we found her under the trampoline in our living room. She pushed her way under and then back out again! Check out her form...she is waving to you all!

Auntie Marie couldn't resist dressing up our little Scooter...she is quite the doll!

Last, but not least, Tori is learning to draw and write. She can now spell her name and LOVES to draw various animals. As you can see by the label, the left animals are frogs. The animal to your right is a dog. So stinking cute!
We have enjoyed our February thus far and I cannot believe that February is almost at an end! YIKES! But...Scooter will be turning 6 months soon, so I will post her stats and another photo soon! Check out my new food and fun blog: That Is A HumDINGER!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love Is Sweet Valentine's Card
Find unique birthday cards and birthday invitations at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's February!

Well, this set of pictures was taken at the end of January, but don't judge! :) We got these marvelous building magnets from Grandma Frann for Christmas and the girls LOVE them! While I was giving Brooke (the child who is not pictures in this post because she will not sit still or pose for the camera) a bath, Tori constructed this little doosie all by is a train! What a happy little architect!

Katelyn can now sit by her self for a few seconds. She can roll over too...but I can still count how many times she has rolled over on one hand. These pictures were taken this morning in the outfit that I bought for her when I found out that I was having another little girl! I love that color combo: pink and orange!
Grandma and Grandpa Dinger were here last week and it was a blast. They are seriously lifesavers. As I have mentioned before I really need a vacation and at least when they come I can get out of the house a little without the kids! In fact one day I scored at the Good Will and found 4 new pairs of shoes at $3.99 & a cute sweater and blazer! Nothing like new shoes and clothes to soothe my frazzled nerves! On Friday we got a babysitter and we all went to dinner kid-less! It was great to get away and have some good sea food! Mmmmm.... crab! That is about all...I cannot wait until the Dinger grandparents come again! (By the way they will be here again next week! This trend is caused by a combination of the joys of retirement, itchy feet and irresistibly cute grandkids!) Auntie Marie is coming too! Cross your fingers because Jason is also taking his really big LCSW exam on Thursday...he has been working for this for 2 1/2 years (say a little prayer for him)!