Well, this set of pictures was taken at the end of January, but don't judge! :) We got these marvelous building magnets from Grandma Frann for Christmas and the girls LOVE them! While I was giving Brooke (the child who is not pictures in this post because she will not sit still or pose for the camera) a bath, Tori constructed this little doosie all by herself...it is a train! What a happy little architect! |
Katelyn can now sit by her self for a few seconds. She can roll over too...but I can still count how many times she has rolled over on one hand. These pictures were taken this morning in the outfit that I bought for her when I found out that I was having another little girl! I love that color combo: pink and orange! |
Grandma and Grandpa Dinger were here last week and it was a blast. They are seriously lifesavers. As I have mentioned before I really need a vacation and at least when they come I can get out of the house a little without the kids! In fact one day I scored at the Good Will and found 4 new pairs of shoes at $3.99 & a cute sweater and blazer! Nothing like new shoes and clothes to soothe my frazzled nerves! On Friday we got a babysitter and we all went to dinner kid-less! It was great to get away and have some good sea food! Mmmmm.... crab! That is about all...I cannot wait until the Dinger grandparents come again! (By the way they will be here again next week! This trend is caused by a combination of the joys of retirement, itchy feet and irresistibly cute grandkids!) Auntie Marie is coming too!
Cross your fingers because Jason is also taking his really big LCSW exam on Thursday...he has been working for this for 2 1/2 years (say a little prayer for him)!