Anyway, since I wrote last, we got a new toy... A MINI VAN! We found a great deal for a van and couldn't pass it up. It was a mess trying to have all of us in my tiny Corolla. So Jason now gets to drive my car and we traded in his car for the van. Sorry no pictures this time, but I promise one soon. We also did our taxes and we are getting a hefty return. YIPEEE! Almost 3 times what we were expecting. Most of it is going into savings and I think that we might get me an elliptical machine (I have wanted a good one since we were married). Well, for the rest of the update, follow along with the pictures!
I introduced Tori to painting about a week ago. She still wasn't sick, but Brooke and I had it bad and I could tell Tori was getting cabin fever! So I taught her how to paint and she LOVED it! Here she is painting some of her masterpieces!
She had a ton of fun and there was paint everywhere, but that is the beauty of washable paint! Please note that she had to eat it too (thank goodness it is non toxic too!).
These are her masterpieces. We sent them to all of her Grandparents and her Auntie Lora and Marie...They would have gotten them earlier, but the postman sent them back saying that they needed more postage! Bah!
Here is a cute picture of Brooke. She likes to stand up now with support on our laps and has figured out how to turn over when she is supposed to be having tummy time! It is way fun to make her giggle, and I can't wait until she does it more often. She babbles a ton and that is super cute!
Happy Valentines Day!, although we celebrated on the 13th. Well, we had to giggle at our luck on our Valentine's Day Celebration. We wanted to eat out, but all of us were varying degrees of sick and we had to go grocery shopping! We just got home from making a Costco and Walmart run (we hadn't been to the store for like 3 weeks!) and when we got home with our delicious meal, it turns out they got the order wrong. So while Jason is unpacking the whole van with melting ice-cream and thawing chicken, I am changing Brooke who is screaming because she is starving and has had a HUGE blowout. Tori is so tired (because now she is sick and has teeth pain from those pointy canines) and hungry. Jason and I just had to laugh (otherwise there would have been tears) and say "Happy Valentine's Day sweetie!". Well, we eventually got everything in order and had our meal. Mmmm...Wingers! (and because they got our order wrong, we got a $10 gift certificate!)
On Valentine's Day I gave up my guard and let Tori play with the post and pans.
Daddy joined in (he is in a suit because he had a Priesthood Meeting to attend). I have the cutest video of the fun, but I am not good at putting video on my blog so you don't get to experience the noise. Tori thought that it was so much fun! She danced (as seen in this picture)
and pounded her heart out!
She loved playing with Daddy!
SURPRISE! Grandma and Grandpa Dinger came for a short visit this weekend. Gwen wanted to see the girlies before her knee surgery (the second one!) and they spoiled us rotten. Friday night they took us out to Macaroni Grill (which Tori loved because she got to draw on the tablecloth) and Tillamook ice cream! Saturday we went to Borders and Tori got a new set of Elmo books. they took us to Taco Time for lunch. I don't think we will be going there for a while...afterwards Jason and I both felt like grease pits! Maybe if we ordered of the more healthy looking part of the menu, but who is going to pass up Crisp Burritos?! Seriously.
If you look close you can see that Tori is sucking on a Crusto (her lunch consisted of fried tater tots, ranch, hot sauce and Crustos). :) We had so much fun, to bad they couldn't stay longer. We miss them!
Saturday night we had a fun ward activity. There was an ice cream social and family dance. Tori was so fun dancing around. She really knows how to shake her groove thing! It was adorable! We walked like we were Egyptians, danced like chickens, stayed a couple verses at the YMCA, hokie it was a good dance and boy was she excited for ice cream. Yummy! Well, that about wraps up 2 weeks for the Dinger clan!