Last weekend we made a fast trip to Utah. It was fabulous to see family and friends. We arrived close to 11:30 PM on Friday night and set up camp in Hooper. Then the next morning we were off to Spanish Fork to see all of our best friends! Yippee!!!!

I think that my new favorite is a little girl named Ryah Tate Dunn (the happy parents are in the upper left corner). She met us at the door in this cute little pink hoodie and leopard legging outfit! Oh my goodness I just wanted to pinch her, except there was too little of her to pinch, but don't you worry your little head Ryah, I will be back to pinch you soon! Adam and Tiffany were such cute parents! Hurray! I didn't really get to snuggle her all that much and she probably just wanted to sleep when I snuck these pictures, but it is all about memories here! I think that she is a good mix of Adam and Tiffany...and I am glad to be the new adopted Auntie! Tori and Brooke really didn't care all that much about Ryah this time. I think Tori just wanted to play with Adam and Tiffany...oh and Max. Sorry Ryah, you were trumped by your doggy brother this time, but I am sure that Tori and Brooke will be your besties one day!

After a little bit, we were joined by the gang: Debra, Rachie, Michelle and Cristian (Michelle's little boy) for lunch. We just hung out with everyone and had some good conversation. I miss my good friends and it is hard to stay in touch with them like I want to. Thank heavens for Facebook and Skype!
This was the first time that I met little Cristian, he was a doll (he looks so much like a Grindstaff it is uncanny!) and he took a liking to me (which of course I ate up!). He loved my lap and I loved his cute little personality!
Brooke had a good time too! Brooke loved everyone and everyone loved her right back! There was snuggling with Auntie Marie and playing with Debra, Rachie and Tiffany. My girls LOVE attention!
Tori was all over Adam and Tiffany. She loves them so much just like we do! I think we are training her well! Tori dressed up in her little BYU cheerleader outfit for early Halloween festivities and she also ate a whole piece of Jack-o-Lantern pizza from Papa Murphy's!
Oh, and don't forget the ravishing picture of my husband in Brooke's Halloween bow, with a mouth full of pizza and sauce on his cheek! I LOVE THAT MAN!

Meet Tori's best friend Max.
On the way down to Spanish Fork I told Tori that we were going to see Adam, Tiffany and Ryah. She said "Yeah, and MAX!" She loves her furry friend! She was very excited to see Max (I think the feelings were mutual). She chased him around (and vice-versa) and even shared her blanket with him! That is love! She played in the backyard with him too. It was fun to watch her explore her new surroundings and throw sticks to Max. She tromped through trees and bushes, hid in the tree house and played in the mud! She is going to love having a dog one day...I don't think that we will have one quite as big as Max, but a Beagle would be nice!
Oh and that picture of Tori down in the lower right corner kills me! I love to see her laugh that big...and Max is one of the few beings that can make her giggle like that!

All good things must come to an end....after a short 6 hours we had to leave. SIGH! This is the main reason that I miss Utah. I miss my friends and being close enough to hang out, have lunch and have adult conversation! I MISS MY GIRLS! I miss the Dunns and how, if we could, we would spend every waking hour together....Anyway, I am not going to have a pity party. It was so much fun visiting with you ladies (Don't you think that I hang out with the prettiest ladies in Utah?! I DO!) and I can't wait until the next time. LOVE YOU!