Friday, January 20, 2012

January BUTs

 I am not so much a fan of January in these last years. It really is the longest, boring, most miserable month. It is not a very fun month and is usually filled with bad weather and a whole bunch of emotional junk that I don't like to bring up every year. There are no real holidays and no breaks. I have SEVERE cabin fever and want to give it all up and live next door to my sister in California.  I hate putting away Christmas decorations because that means that Christmas time is a whole other year away. I hate that the holiday season is over and that I will probably have to wait a long time to see my family again ( I miss my sister so much that it HURTS!).  It makes me miss my little boy (who would be 5 this year) and it makes me want to stay inside and wait until it is all over with and gone!   

BUT... this year it hasn't been as bad as usual. The cabin fever is probably the worst out of all of my complaints, since we haven't had a vacation since last June (have I mentioned that I miss my sister)? I wish that I had enough money to fly away, alas I do not. 
BUT The weather this year has been fabulous. We have had some amazing days that were so Spring like that the girls went out to play. Jason even raked up some leaves while I took pictures of the girls gallivanting. We did get about 5 inches of snow all in one day, but yesterday it all melted and has been raining like crazy (that is the kind of snow I one day, gone the next). I even ventured to the library for reading time with all 3 girls (after 4 months of not going to the library because I was afraid of going with all 3 girls). And I survived the library 3 weeks in a row! I even went back to playing volleyball with my friends every Thursday night (which is always a blast)! So all in all, this January isn't dragging too long, it isn't as bad as usual. BUT I do wish it were spring!
One day Tori announced to me that we needed to celebrate Cami's birthday. She had no idea that Cami's birthday was January 11 (Cami turned 5), but she insisted on making a pink cake with two layers with sprinkles and candles. Ha ha ha. So we baked a cake, and after family home evening, celebrated Cami's birthday, complete with candles. We even let Cami eat some cake too (she licked a bit of frosting and looked at us, can I have some tuna?) BUT the girls were happy and we had fun!

Cabin fever can be lessened when you have friends over. Tori's little friend came over to play for a whole day. My house looked like a hurricane had hit, BUT the girls were in heaven, which made me happy. I have also noticed that even though you may add a child (or 2, or 4), there is usually less clingy behavior, less whining, more playing in rooms, more imagination, more fun to be had...which means that I can get things done (like reading my book! ha ha ha!). All in all, this month isn't too bad, BUT I still hope it is over soon!

1 comment:

Lora said...

OH! HOW I MISS YOU! April 1st-8th can't come quick enough (official dates of Spring Break here). I can't complain about the weather, we all know where I live.....but I can complain because we don't live next to each other like we had always planned growing up. Boo. I can't think about it too much, or I might cry. I am glad that you got some good weather days in January before your snow hit. :-) Love you. Love your girlies. Miss you guys...... :(