I cannot believe that time is flying so fast! Yesterday was my first day flying solo (no help with 3 kids)...I must admit that I was a bit freaked out...especially since I have to spend a lot of time on the couch nursing Little Miss Katelyn (who is 4WEEKS OLD!!! What?! How did that happen?!). Well, it all went well except for a brief 15 minutes when PBS went down and Sesame Street was cut off while I was preparing a crock pot dinner and Katelyn was really tired and screaming and Brooke decided to join in the crying fest too! Yesterday went great and we even stayed on our usual schedule (except I didn't get to shower and get out of my PJs until 6:15 PM!). I think I will be able to handle this mom of 3 thing!
So I took these pictures yesterday! Isn't Katelyn a doll?! she has so much hair that she can wear her bows without the headband! This adorable one was made by Tiffany Jones. She has some really cute stuff and I was spoiled with some really cute headbands and bows! This little yo yo matched my favorite dress and so we had a photo shoot! I caught her smile a little late, but that is a little what her smile looks like in the middle picture. Jason is a pro at getting her to smile and giggle. It is really cute!
As most of you know we moved our guest room into our den and made the guest room into the nursery. Jason and I painted the room "a hint of mint" and it looks fabulous. Katelyn models the crib as she takes her first nap in her crib. For some reason with this pregnancy I was into monkeys so she has a few monkey things that will be her own. I am still in love with our Noah's Ark theme and I am glad that we went neutral from the beginning and chose high quality stuff! Up in the right hand corner is a picture of our carrier cover made by Tiffany Dunn... it is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE it! (And just so you know Tiff, everyone comments on it too!)
This is the finished product of the girls' room. My mom brought these vinyl letters and decals made with her Cricket and we went to town one afternoon. It made the room! The girls love it too! And my painting look fabulous, I might add, on the wall! :) The rug was my inspiration. Oh and I have had this fuchsia lava lamp for a long time from my Sterling Capital days and the girls love it!
Sunday pictures! I love taking pictures of the girls in their Sunday dresses! The pictures of Jason and I were taken by our budding photographer, Tori (hence the reason why they are not focused or centered).
So I love this dress and these shoes. I bought these when I found out I was having a girl for the first time (little miss Tori bug). These are the only shoes that fit Katelyn because she has such skinny ankles. I don't even bother with socks anymore because nothing stays on! Her head is still a little small for the little matching headband, but she looked like a doll!
Here are some good pictures of her bouffant after her bath! This is usually what she looks like during the day, all snuggled up in her cocoon and resting on the Boppy!
Last but not least...here are some silly pictures of our Tori bug and Brooke-a-lito. That is Tori's new tub trick and it freaks me out because I think that she is going to drown! Check out Brooke's farmer's tan! And I am still in love with our tax return investment! Love that swing set!
2 years ago
so much hair!!!
Dang darling! Good job on the solo part! You are going awesome!
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